Our Services for NPOs

More than CHF 4 billion is donated in Switzerland every year. The market for major donors is the fastest growing donation sector. And this is where Impact Partners comes in. We help NPOs to achieve their fundraising goals. 

Fundraising Strategy Consulting

  • How do I convince major donors with my project? 
  • How do I create a convincing case for support? 
  • Why is a major donor database analysis important? 
  • What tools are available for major donor fundraising and relationship management? 
  • And above all: How do I acquire a major donor? 

We will answer all these questions and provide you with comprehensive advice in the area of major donor fundraising. 

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Capital Campaigns

A capital campaign is a fundraising tool that raises relatively large amounts of money within a certain period of time. The main funding comes from a small number of major donors, although supplementary funding from small donors is possible. All fundraising submarkets are included, i.e. major donors, foundations and corporates. 

We advise and support you throughout the entire process. 

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Inhouse Workshops

In our Inouse workshops, we impart practical knowledge and proven strategies to maximise your fundraising success. Possible workshop topics include:

  • Fundraising Activities across all Submarkets
  • Achieving Fundraising Goals
  • Action Plans for Fundraisers
  • Major Donor Fundraising Strategies
  • Telephone Marketing.

Please contact us for personalised advice.

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Your benefit is our priority.

Acquisition of Major Donors

You will receive valuable and practice-oriented input on how to expand your existing major donor portfolio and acquire new donors as fundraisers.

Targeted Fundraising Strategies

You will develop customised strategies with us to attract wealthy donors.

Successful Capital Campaigns

You benefit from our campaign expertise to achieve your fundraising goals sustainably.

Sound Database Analysis

We carry out in-depth donor analyses with you to expand your database. 

Convincing Case for Support

We write a creative and convincing case for support.

Successful Conversations with Major Donors

Improve your communication skills in our workshops on conducting conversations with major donors.

Akquisition von Major Donors

Sie erhalten wertvolle und praxisorientierte Inputs, wie Sie als Fundraiser:in das bestehende Major Donor-Portfolio ausbauen und neue Spender:innen gewinnen.

Ziel-gerichtete Fundraising-Strategien

Sie entwickeln mit uns massgeschneiderte Strategien, um wohlhabende Spender:innen zu gewinnen.

Erfolgreiche Kapitalkampagnen

Sie profitieren von unserer Kampagnen-Expertise, um Ihre Fundraising-Ziele nachhaltig zu erreichen.

Fundierte Datenbankanalyse

Wir führen mit Ihnen fundierte Spenderanalysen durch, um Ihre Datenbank auszubauen. 

Überzeugender Case for Support

Wir schreiben für Sie einen kreativen und überzeugenden Case for Support.

Erfolgreiche Gespräche mit Major Donors

Verbessern Sie Ihre Kommunikationsfähigkeiten in unseren Workshops zur Gesprächsführung mit Major Donors.  Dabei lernen Sie auch wie Sie “the ASK“ beim Major Donor platzieren können.

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